Discussion Post One

Even during my first class in E-society 211, I feel like I learned a lot of new things about my major (e-society) and about social media that I didn't know before. I am super excited for this class and to start learning more about online communications and collaborations. The first article that we were assigned for reading was all about online collaboration. The article focused on trying to come up with a more accurate definition for what online collaboration is, and isn't. There are certain words that explain it better than others. An important piece of understanding online collaboration is that social media (Facebook, Instagram) and so on... are not online collaborations. There are too many people that joined for too many different reasons. The definition of an online collaboration is the purpose of people coming together for one certain reason, or for a certain topic. One factor that the article pointed out is that just because you are sharing content online, it does not mean that it is collaboration. This is something that I have already learned about in this class, and that I did not think about before. I can't wait for the rest of the semester and to read everyone else's posts!


  1. Nice explanation of online collaboration, Jane. I didn't even think about whether social media would be considered online collaboration. I missed the first week of class due to a podcasting conference so I'm a little behind in homework assignments/reading but you've helped me start my journey. Thanks.


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