Discussion Week Seven

This week we completed our group presentations, and all six groups shared their presentations about the examples they found of group collaboration. I liked how every group was very unique, it made the presentations much more interesting and I loved watching all the different things that people came up with. Another factor of the presentation is the they were all about the five stages of group development. It was interesting that as we were examining the parts of group development, as our groups were developing as well. Each individual is good at something, and when we were working together, all of our strengths came together so that people could do what they felt best helped the group. Each group needs someone to drive the group, to do the actual work of the assignment and presenting. I think that my group was very successful because we combined all of talents to make and present our website, School of Collaboration

                                                                      Image Courtesy of: Wikipedia Commons 


  1. I agree that it was very interesting seeing every groups takes on Tuckman's five stages of group development. I also thought it was cool seeing how these five stages could apply to so many movies and shows, or teams and how each stage worked in every scenario. It goes to show that these five stages are. Every group offered a unique way to look at the individual stages. Great post!

  2. Hello Jane,

    I enjoyed your presentation on the movie “School of Rock” and I think you did an excellent job of relating it to the overall theme of Tuckman’s Five Stages. I enjoyed this movie growing up and it was interesting to see your group break it down and the way you were able to explain the characters interactions in depth throughout your presentation. I will have to watch this film again and think about it from these perspectives.

  3. Hey there aren't many posts to comment on so I chose yours because I liked your presentation! I agree with it being intriguing that every presentation was different and it was good to see what works and what doesn't for next time. I agree with you that your group was a success and it was clear how the group in School of Rock became a team. To me, when a group completes their goals, that is when they become a team.

  4. You guys did a very good job on your project. I'm surprised you even thought of that movie to begin with. That story combined with your visuals and well prepped scripts made for an entertaining watch. Kuddos.


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